Start two processes: gphoto2 to capture images every 2 sec: `gphoto2 --port usb: --capture-image-and-download -I 2 --filename=/home/crowd/output/frame%06n.jpg` SET FPS IN If using Sony A7s/r, Ubuntu 14.04 has a too old version of gphoto2, so use vm-host with gphoto. Mount pictures dir to vbox: `sudo mount -t vboxsf pictures ~/pictures -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000` The modified 'webcam demo' to analyse and generate json: `/home/crowd/build/opencv-webcam-demo/opencv-webcam-demo --data /home/crowd/affdex-sdk/data --faceMode 1 --numFaces 80 -o /home/crowd/output/segments/ --draw 0 --segments 1` When using `--segments 1` also run: `python --frameOutput ~/output --segmentDir ~/output/segments/` Using split_and_merge_output, frames are split into segments so SMALL_FACES actually detects _really_ small faces. This requires enabling --segments on opencv-webcam-demo (so it detects/writes segment%06d files) split_and_merge_output also remerges these segment%06.json files into a frame%06d.json file. When done, generate output: ` -o ~/output1 --json --window-size 1 > ~/sdk-samples/output/talk1.json` ` -o ~/output2 --json --window-size 1 > ~/sdk-samples/output/talk2.json` ` -o ~/output3 --json --window-size 1 > ~/sdk-samples/output/talk3.json` and audio, which expects wav to start simmmultaneously with frame00001: `python -o ~/pictures/1 --wav ~/pictures/1.wav --targetDir /home/crowd/sdk-samples/output/1 --window-size 1` `python -o ~/pictures/2 --wav ~/pictures/2.wav --targetDir /home/crowd/sdk-samples/output/2 --window-size 1` `python -o ~/pictures/3 --wav ~/pictures/3.wav --targetDir /home/crowd/sdk-samples/output/3 --window-size 1` Then start server: `cd ~/sdk-samples && php -S` Navigate to: `` to view images