Start two processes: gphoto2 to capture images: `gphoto2 --port usb: --capture-image-and-download -I 1 --filename=/home/crowd/output/frame%06n.jpg` The modified 'webcam demo' to analyse and generate json: `/home/crowd/build/opencv-webcam-demo/opencv-webcam-demo --data /home/crowd/affdex-sdk/data --faceMode 1 --numFaces 80 -o /home/crowd/output-backup/ --draw 0` Using split_and_merge_output, frames are split into segments so SMALL_FACES actually detects _really_ small faces. This requires enabling --segments on opencv-webcam-demo (so it detects/writes segment%06d files) split_and_merge_output also remerges these segment%06.json files into a frame%06d.json file.