import pyaudio import socket import audioop import logging import time import zmq import asyncio from zmq.asyncio import Context import yaml import re from .communication import zmqReceive, zmqSend, getTopic logger = logging.getLogger("client") class VoiceServer(object): """A UDP server, providing mic data at 16 kHz""" def __init__(self, voice_port: int, input_rate: int, input_name: str = None, target_rate: int = 16000): self.voice_port = voice_port self.input_rate = input_rate self.target_rate = target_rate self.stopped = True self.clients = [] self.laststate = None self.input_name = input_name def get_input_idx(self): input_device_idx = None # input_device_idx = 6 # input_device_idx = 0 devices_count = self.p.get_device_count() for i in range(devices_count): dev = self.p.get_device_info_by_index(i) if input_device_idx is None and dev['maxInputChannels'] > 0: if (self.input_name and self.input_name in dev['name']) or \ (not self.input_name and dev['name'] != 'default'): input_device_idx = dev['index']"Use device {0}: {1}".format(dev['index'],dev['name'])) logger.debug("{} {:0d} {}".format("* " if input_device_idx == i else "- ", i, dev['name'])) return input_device_idx def onBuffer(self, in_data, frame_count, time_info, status): if self.input_rate == self.target_rate: f = in_data else: # chunk 4096, with 2 bytes per frame gives len(in_data) of 8192 # rate converted 44k1 -> 16k gives len(f) == 2972 (16/44.1 * 8192) f, self.laststate = audioop.ratecv(in_data, 2, 1, self.input_rate, self.target_rate, self.laststate) for s in self.clients: try: s.send(f) except Exception as e: self.clients.remove(s) logger.warn("Error sending to {}, {}".format(s.getsockname(), e)) pass return (None, pyaudio.paContinue) def start(self): FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 CHUNK = 4096 self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.stopped = False stream = format=FORMAT, channels=CHANNELS, rate=self.input_rate, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK, stream_callback=self.onBuffer, input_device_index=self.get_input_idx() ) while not self.stopped: try: self.voice_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.voice_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) address = ('', self.voice_port) self.voice_socket.bind(address) self.voice_socket.listen(5) read_list = [self.voice_socket] "Waiting for voice connections on {}".format(address) ) while not self.stopped: (clientsocket, address) = self.voice_socket.accept() "Got voice connection from {}".format(address)) self.clients.append(clientsocket) "Stop recording & streaming") self.voice_socket.close() # stop Recording stream.stop_stream() stream.close() self.p.terminate() except Exception as e: logging.critical("Socket Exception {}".format(e)) self.voice_socket.close() time.sleep(.5) def stop(self): self.stopped = True async def asyncStart(self, loop): future = loop.run_in_executor(None, self.start) r = await future # await self.start() class CommandHandler(object): def __init__(self, hugvey_id, cmd_address = "tcp://", publish_address = "tcp://"): self.eventQueue = [] self.ctx = Context.instance() self.hugvey_id = hugvey_id self.cmd_address = cmd_address self.publish_address = publish_address # self.showMyself() # queue message for connection request def handle(self, cmd): # self.sendMessage({'reply':'test'}) if not 'action' in cmd: logger.critical("Invalid command: {}".format(cmd)) return"Received {}".format(cmd)) if cmd['action'] == 'show_yourself': self.showMyself() if cmd['action'] == 'play': self.cmdPlay(cmd['id'], cmd['msg']) def cmdPlay(self, msgId, msgText): # espeak(msgText) # TODO kill if playing & play wave file # preferably a cat (local)/curl (remote) pipe into player"Play: {}".format(msgText)) time.sleep(2) self.sendMessage({ 'event': 'playbackFinish', 'msgId': msgId }) def showMyself(self): """Publish about this hugvey to central command """ self.sendMessage({ 'event': 'connection', 'id': self.hugvey_id, 'host': socket.gethostname(), 'ip': self.getIp(), }) @staticmethod def getIp(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) return s.getsockname()[0] def sendMessage(self, msg): self.eventQueue.append(msg) async def command_listener(self): s = self.ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) s.connect(self.cmd_address) topic = getTopic(self.hugvey_id) s.subscribe(topic)"Subscribed to commands for {} on {}".format(topic, self.cmd_address)) while True: hugvey_id, cmd = await zmqReceive(s) self.handle(cmd) # topic, msg = await s.recv_multipart() # print('received', msg, time.time()) s.close() async def event_sender(self): s = self.ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) s.connect(self.publish_address)"Publish on: {}".format(self.publish_address)) # For some reason, sending only one message is lost, perhaps due # to connect() rather than bind() ?? await asyncio.sleep(1) # wait for connection to be proper set self.showMyself() while True: for i in range(len(self.eventQueue)): zmqSend(s, self.hugvey_id, self.eventQueue.pop(0)) if len(self.eventQueue) == 0: await asyncio.sleep(0.05) s.close() class Hugvey(object): """The Hugvey client, to be ran on the Raspberry Pi's """ def __init__(self): = self.getId() pass def getId(self) -> int: """Get Hugvey ID from hostname""" h = socket.gethostname() return int(re.findall('\d+', h )[0]) def loadConfig(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fp: logger.debug('Load config from {}'.format(filename)) self.config = yaml.safe_load(fp) async def startCommandListener(self): return await self.cmd_server.command_listener() def start(self): self.voice_server = VoiceServer( voice_port = int(self.config['voice']['port']), input_rate = int(self.config['voice']['input_rate']), input_name = self.config['voice']['input_name'], target_rate = int(self.config['voice']['target_rate']), ) self.cmd_server = CommandHandler( hugvey_id =, cmd_address = self.config['events']['cmd_address'], publish_address = self.config['events']['publish_address'], ) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()'start') # self.voice_server.asyncStart(loop) # loop.run_until_complete(self.voice_server.start()) asyncio.ensure_future(self.voice_server.asyncStart(loop)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.cmd_server.command_listener()) asyncio.ensure_future(self.cmd_server.event_sender()) self.cmd_server.showMyself() loop.run_forever()'done')