import json import logging import os import pyaudio import re import socket import os from threading import Thread from import enums from import types from google.auth.credentials import Credentials from import speech import asyncio import threading import queue import uuid from hugvey.communication import LOG_BS import audioop mainLogger = logging.getLogger("hugvey") logger = mainLogger.getChild("google") class RequireRestart(Exception): pass class GoogleVoiceClient(object): def __init__(self, hugvey, src_rate, credential_file, language_code = "en_GB"): self.logger = mainLogger.getChild(f"{}").getChild('google') self.src_rate = src_rate self.hugvey = hugvey self.language_code = language_code os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = credential_file # Create a thread-safe buffer of audio data self.buffer = queue.Queue() self.isRunning = threading.Event() self.toBeShutdown = False self.target_rate = 16000 self.cv_laststate = None self.restart = False self.task = threading.Thread(, name=f"hugvey#{}v") self.task.setDaemon(True) self.task.start() self.subsequentMutedFrames = 0 self.lastNonFinalTranscript = None def pause(self): self.isRunning.clear() self.restart = True def resume(self): self.buffer = queue.Queue() # have a clear queue when resuming self.isRunning.set() def generator(self): print('start generator') while not self.toBeShutdown and self.isRunning.is_set(): try: # set a timeout, as not to wait infinitely for the buffer when # we actually want to restart yield self.buffer.get(timeout=.3) except queue.Empty as e: self.logger.debug('empty mic buffer - restart?') print(self.isRunning.isSet()) print('stop generator') self.restart = False # don't trigger double restart # raise RequireRestart("Restart required (generator)") def setLanguage(self, language_code): if self.language_code == language_code: return"Change language from {} to {}".format(self.language_code, language_code)) self.language_code = language_code self.restart = True def run(self): self.isRunning.set() self.speech_client = speech.SpeechClient() config = types.RecognitionConfig( encoding=enums.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16, sample_rate_hertz=self.src_rate, language_code=self.language_code) self.streaming_config = types.StreamingRecognitionConfig( config=config, interim_results=True) while not self.toBeShutdown: try:"wait for Google Voice") self.isRunning.wait()"Starting Google Voice") audio_generator = self.generator() requests = (types.StreamingRecognizeRequest(audio_content=content) for content in audio_generator) responses = self.speech_client.streaming_recognize( self.streaming_config, requests)"Starting voice loop") for response in responses: if not response.results: self.logger.debug('...') continue """Iterates through server responses and prints them. The responses passed is a generator that will block until a response is provided by the server. Each response may contain multiple results, and each result may contain multiple alternatives; for details, see Here we print only the transcription for the top alternative of the top result. In this case, responses are provided for interim results as well. If the response is an interim one, print a line feed at the end of it, to allow the next result to overwrite it, until the response is a final one. For the final one, print a newline to preserve the finalized transcription. """ # The `results` list is consecutive. For streaming, we only care about # the first result being considered, since once it's `is_final`, it # moves on to considering the next utterance. result = response.results[0] if not result.alternatives: continue # Display the transcription of the top alternative. transcript = result.alternatives[0].transcript # self.logger.debug("Text: ".format(transcript)) if not result.is_final: self.logger.debug(f"Text: {transcript}") self.lastNonFinalTranscript = transcript else:"Text: {transcript}") self.lastNonFinalTranscript = None if result.is_final: print("native final") msg = { "event": "speech", "is_final": result.is_final, "transcript": transcript.strip(), } self.hugvey.queueEvent(msg) if self.restart: self.restart = False raise RequireRestart("Restart required") if self.toBeShutdown: self.logger.warn("Stopping voice loop") break except RequireRestart as e: self.restart = False self.logger.warn("Restart Google Voice. Language: {}".format(self.language_code)) except Exception as e: self.logger.critical(f"Crashed Google Voice: {e}") # make sure we always send a 'final' transcript. if self.lastNonFinalTranscript is not None: msg = { "event": "speech", "is_final": True, "transcript": self.lastNonFinalTranscript.strip(), } self.hugvey.queueEvent(msg) def receive(self, chunk): if not self.task.isAlive(): raise Exception("Voice thread died") if audioop.max(chunk, 2) == 0: # mic is muted on client side. self.subsequentMutedFrames += 1 # self.logger.debug("Muted") if self.subsequentMutedFrames > 4 and self.isRunning.is_set():"Pause muted stream!") self.pause() return self.subsequentMutedFrames = 0 # self.logger.debug("We have mic!") if not self.isRunning.is_set():"Resume voice") self.resume() if not self.isRunning.is_set(): # logger.log(LOG_BS, "Don't put to queue if google is paused") return if self.src_rate == self.target_rate: data = chunk else: data, self.cv_laststate = audioop.ratecv(chunk, 2, 1, self.src_rate, self.target_rate, self.cv_laststate) self.buffer.put_nowait(data) def shutdown(self): self.toBeShutdown = True def triggerStart(self): pass