import tornado.websocket import json # This is our WebSocketHandler - it handles the messages # from the tornado server class WebSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): connections = set() def initialize(self, conn): """ conn: sqlite3 connection """ self.conn = conn # the client connected def open(self): self.connections.add(self) print ("New client connected") # the client sent the message def on_message(self, message): # {"rate":"77*", "count":"4", "time":"14.44"} try: beat = json.loads(message) except Exception as e: print("Probably no valid JSON") [con.write_message(message) for con in self.connections] return False if beat['rate'].endswith('*'): beat['rate'] = beat['rate'][:-1] beat['rate'] = beat['rate'].strip() if beat['count'].endswith('*'): beat['count'] = beat['count'][:-1] beat['count'] = beat['count'].strip() if beat['time'].endswith('*'): beat['time'] = beat['time'][:-1] beat['time'] = beat['time'].strip() c = self.conn.cursor() c.execute(""" INSERT INTO beats (bpm,beatcount,beattime) VALUES (:rate, :count, :time) """, beat) insertid = c.lastrowid self.conn.commit() c.execute("SELECT createdAt FROM beats WHERE id = ?", (insertid,)) now = c.fetchone()[0] beat['bpm'] = int(beat['rate']) beat['timestamp'] = now # actively close connection :-) [con.write_message(json.dumps(beat)) for con in self.connections] self.close() # client disconnected def on_close(self): self.connections.remove(self) print ("Client disconnected")