import logging import yaml from sorteerhoed import HITStore import os import subprocess import boto3 import threading from queue import Queue from sorteerhoed.plotter import Plotter import queue from sorteerhoed.sqs import SqsListener from sorteerhoed.webserver import Server import time class CentralManagement(): """ Central management reads config and controls process flow The HIT Store is the archive of hits mturk thread communicates with mturk server thread is tornado communicating with the turkers and with the status interface on the installation Plotter thread reads plotter queue and sends it to there Scanner is for now a simpe imagescan command SQS: thread that listens for updates from Amazon """ def __init__(self, debug_mode): self.logger = logging.getLogger("sorteerhoed").getChild('management') self.debug = debug_mode self.currentHit = None self.eventQueue = Queue() self.isRunning = threading.Event() def loadConfig(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fp: self.logger.debug('Load config from {}'.format(filename)) self.config = yaml.safe_load(fp) varDb = os.path.join( # self.config['storage_dir'], 'hit_store.db' ) = HITStore.Store(varDb, logLevel=logging.DEBUG if self.debug else logging.INFO) self.logger.debug(f"Loaded configuration: {self.config}") # = # self.server # self.panopticon = Panopticon(self, self.config, self.voiceStorage) def start(self): self.isRunning.set() try: # M-turk connection MTURK_SANDBOX = '' # self.mturk = boto3.client('mturk', aws_access_key_id = self.config['amazon']['user_id'], aws_secret_access_key = self.config['amazon']['user_secret'], region_name='us-east-1', endpoint_url = MTURK_SANDBOX )"Mechanical turk: {self.mturk.get_account_balance()}") self.sqs = SqsListener(self.config, self.eventQueue, self.isRunning) sqsThread = threading.Thread(target=self.sqs.start) sqsThread.start() # the plotter itself self.plotter = Plotter(self.config, self.eventQueue, self.isRunning) plotterThread = threading.Thread(target=self.plotter.start) plotterThread.start() # webserver for turks and status self.server = Server(self.config, self.eventQueue, self.isRunning, self.plotter.q) serverThread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.start) serverThread.start() # event listener: dispatcherThread = threading.Thread(target=self.eventListener) dispatcherThread.start() self.makeHit() finally: self.isRunning.clear() self.server.stop() def eventListener(self): while self.isRunning.is_set(): try: signal = self.eventQueue.get(True, 1) except queue.Empty: pass # self.logger.log(5, "Empty queue.") else: """ Possible events: - SQS events: accept/abandoned/returned/submitted - webserver events: open, draw, submit - scan complete - HIT created - Plotter complete - """ print(signal) # handle singals/events: # TODO: next steps # TODO: update status def makeHit(self): self.currentHit = HITStore.HIT() self.logger(f"Make HIT {}") question = open(self.config['amazon']['task_xml'], mode='r').read().replace("{HIT_NR}", new_hit = self.mturk.create_hit( Title = 'Trace the drawn line', Description = 'Draw a line over the sketched line in the image', Keywords = 'polygons, trace, draw', Reward = '0.15', # TODO: make variable MaxAssignments = 1, LifetimeInSeconds = self.config['hit_lifetime'], AssignmentDurationInSeconds = self.config['hit_assignment_duration'], AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds = self.config['hit_autoapprove_delay'], Question = question, )"Created hit:", new_hit)"" + new_hit['HIT']['HITGroupId']) self.currentHit.hit_id = new_hit['HIT']['HITId'] print(self.currentHit) # mturk.send_test_event_notification() if self.config['amazon']['sqs_url']: notification_info= self.mturk.update_notification_settings( HITTypeId=new_hit['HIT']['HITTypeId'], Notification = { 'Destination' : self.config['amazon']['sqs_url'], 'Transport': 'SQS', 'Version': '2014-08-15', 'EventTypes': [ 'AssignmentAccepted', 'AssignmentAbandoned', 'AssignmentReturned', 'AssignmentSubmitted', # 'AssignmentRejected', # 'AssignmentApproved', # 'HITCreated', # 'HITExpired', # 'HITReviewable', # 'HITExtended', # 'HITDisposed', # 'Ping', ] }, Active=True ) self.logger.debug(notification_info) def scanImage(self) -> str: """ Run scanimage on scaner and returns a string with the filename """ cmd = [ 'sudo', 'scanimage' ] filename = "" proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) o, e = proc.communicate(60) exec