from cffi import FFI from PIL import Image import numpy as np import cv2, time ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef(""" int test(int); typedef void* haarclassifier; haarclassifier classifier_new(); void scan_image(haarclassifier, size_t width,size_t height, char *input, char *buffer, size_t length, bool debug); """) C = ffi.dlopen("/home/ruben/Documents/Projecten/2020/rust/testproject/target/debug/") print(C.test(9)) # i ="/home/ruben/Documents/Projecten/2020/rust/lena_orig.png") # a= np.array(i) a= cv2.imread("/home/ruben/Documents/Projecten/2020/rust/lena_orig.png") capture = cv2.VideoCapture(2) print("Buffer", capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE)) capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 1) while True: ret, a = print(a.shape) # i ="Marjo.jpg") width = int(a.shape[1]/4) height = int(a.shape[0]/4) image = cv2.resize(a, (width,height)) pixel_format = "RGB" #The raytracer only supports one format bytes_per_pixel = 3 buffer_len = width * height * bytes_per_pixel buffer ="char[]", buffer_len) # buffer2 = ffi.from_buffer("char[]", (i.tobytes("raw","RGB"))) buffer2 = ffi.from_buffer("char[]", image.tobytes()) haar = C.classifier_new() # i ="/home/ruben/Documents/Projecten/2020/rust/lena_orig.png") # data = i.tobytes("raw", "RGB") print('scan!') start=time.time() C.scan_image(haar, width, height, buffer2, buffer, buffer_len, True) print(f"scanned in {time.time() - start}s", buffer) # img = Image.frombuffer(pixel_format, (width, height), ffi.buffer(buffer), # "raw", pixel_format, 0, 1) # img = Image.frombuffer(pixel_format, (width, height), ffi.buffer(buffer), # "raw", pixel_format, 0, 1) img = Image.frombuffer(pixel_format, (width, height), ffi.buffer(buffer), "raw", pixel_format, 0, 1) a= np.array(img) # a= np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(buffer)) # a.reshape((height, width, bytes_per_pixel)) a = a[:, :, ::-1] img_concate_Verti1 = np.concatenate((image,a),axis=0) cv2.imshow("image",img_concate_Verti1) # Hit 'q' on the keyboard to quit! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # # class Scene(object): # def __init__(self, width, height, fov, shadow_bias, max_recursion_depth): # self.__width = width # self.__height = height # self.__obj = C.scene_new(width, height, fov, shadow_bias, max_recursion_depth) # def render(self): # pixel_format = "RGBA" #The raytracer only supports one format # bytes_per_pixel = 4 # buffer_len = self.__width * self.__height * bytes_per_pixel # buffer ="char[]", buffer_len) # C.scene_render(self.__obj, buffer, buffer_len) # return Image.frombuffer(pixel_format, (self.__width, self.__height), ffi.buffer(buffer), # "raw", pixel_format, 0, 1) capture.release()