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namespace EmotionHero\Models;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository implements UserProviderInterface
* Loads the user for the given username.
* This method must throw UsernameNotFoundException if the user is not
* found.
* @param string $username The username
* @return UserInterface
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException if the user is not found
public function loadUserByUsername($username) {
$user = $this->find($username); // username == $id field
if(!$user) {
throw new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException("Invalid username");
return $user;
* Refreshes the user for the account interface.
* It is up to the implementation to decide if the user data should be
* totally reloaded (e.g. from the database), or if the UserInterface
* object can just be merged into some internal array of users / identity
* map.
* @param UserInterface $user
* @return UserInterface
* @throws UnsupportedUserException if the account is not supported
public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user) {
* Whether this provider supports the given user class.
* @param string $class
* @todo Extending User should be possible
* @return bool
public function supportsClass($class) {
return $class == User::class;
// $query = $this->_em->createQuery(
// 'SELECT ri FROM ...::class ri WHERE ri.result = :result AND ri.hitAt IS NULL ORDER BY ri.usedPosition ASC'
// )
// ->setParameters([
// 'result' => $result,
// ])
// ->setMaxResults($limit);
// $resultItems = $query->getResult();