Abdelrahman Mahmoud 0d39ef4964 Squashed commit of the following:
commit 45c5b72d6c294fe1a4cd90f8090442d313886fc9
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Wed Feb 3 07:17:09 2016 -0500

    Remove affdex me .. fix dll references

commit 98bfdbc3302c1ba8226a4151826c541d8d250aa9
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Wed Feb 3 06:57:59 2016 -0500


commit fd9dedbdc7daeeacc65ef1df8b79447e5e22cc64
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 15:43:00 2016 -0500


    update appveyor badge

commit ccbd9770da316c35de75b47d749e14bd551acc2a
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 15:36:11 2016 -0500

    Update appveyor badge

commit b08547f1dd77548f24140e709a8574d23c8aa7db
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 15:32:03 2016 -0500

    Add appveyor badge

commit e0a2b36ca9fb0c828bf54c7326aa59a1fa6d1079
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 15:11:50 2016 -0500

    remove nuget references

commit b5561f7353381106ad5b133d3bc73d49d36bcbc0
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 15:01:15 2016 -0500

    remove nuget

commit ec3d93bb38e5390f176de23dd249b30e5420f3fb
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 14:09:28 2016 -0500

    More changes to get nuget working

commit ea9662b583d08fa9bae3b30cb2d909d288911b2e
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 12:53:20 2016 -0500

    Change the opencv version

commit 56ffaebfb3c3cdc1610f1ad2c67a47010d0e3dbf
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 12:29:22 2016 -0500

    Commit changes to the nuget configuration

commit 3e6aa2c2dc4a8cb97dd9999154b8c6fb5471c351
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 12:12:03 2016 -0500

    add nuget configuration

commit e69ea5e078b42a286f0ca27b09b922178e376cd1
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Mon Feb 1 17:02:38 2016 -0500

    Remove unecessary packages from nuget

commit 3f98b04af745b880be3f4be5d4e7d7a6174f2453
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Mon Dec 21 18:22:45 2015 -0500

    Update the documentation

commit a92352bea891e553fb8f8da61afda3fa255ec46f
Author: Abdelrahman Mahmoud <>
Date:   Mon Dec 21 17:54:55 2015 -0500

    Add video demo 2.1
2016-02-03 07:20:08 -05:00

181 lines
6.9 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include "VideoDetector.h"
#include "AffdexException.h"
#include "AFaceListener.hpp"
#include "PlottingImageListener.hpp"
#include "StatusListener.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace affdex;
/// <summary>
/// Project demos how to use the Affdex Windows SDK VideoDetector
/// </summary>
int main(int argsc, char ** argsv)
//Defaults, overridden by the command line parameters
affdex::path DATA_FOLDER;
affdex::path LICENSE_PATH;
affdex::path videoPath;
int process_framerate = 30;
bool draw_display = true;
bool loop = false;
unsigned int nFaces = 1;
int faceDetectorMode = (int)FaceDetectorMode::SMALL_FACES;
const int precision = 2;
namespace po = boost::program_options; // abbreviate namespace
po::options_description description("Project for demoing the Windows SDK VideoDetector class (processing video files).");
("help,h", po::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "Display this help message.")
#ifdef _WIN32
("data,d", po::wvalue< affdex::path >(&DATA_FOLDER)->default_value(affdex::path(L"data"), std::string("data")), "Path to the data folder")
("license,l", po::wvalue< affdex::path >(&LICENSE_PATH)->default_value(affdex::path(L"test.license"), std::string("test.license")), "License file.")
("input,i", po::wvalue< affdex::path >(&videoPath)->required(), "Video file to processs")
#else // _WIN32
("data,d", po::value< affdex::path >(&DATA_FOLDER)->default_value(affdex::path("data"), std::string("data")), "Path to the data folder")
("license,l", po::value< affdex::path >(&LICENSE_PATH)->default_value(affdex::path("test.license"), std::string("test.license")), "License file.")
("input,i", po::value< affdex::path >(&videoPath)->required(), "Video file to processs")
#endif // _WIN32
("pfps", po::value< int >(&process_framerate)->default_value(30), "Processing framerate.")
("draw", po::value< bool >(&draw_display)->default_value(true), "Draw video on screen.")
("faceMode", po::value< int >(&faceDetectorMode)->default_value((int)FaceDetectorMode::SMALL_FACES), "Face detector mode (large faces vs small faces).")
("numFaces", po::value< unsigned int >(&nFaces)->default_value(1), "Number of faces to be tracked.")
("loop", po::value< bool >(&loop)->default_value(false), "Loop over the video being processed.")
po::variables_map args;
po::store(po::command_line_parser(argsc, argsv).options(description).run(), args);
if (args["help"].as<bool>())
std::cout << description << std::endl;
return 0;
catch (po::error& e)
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cerr << "For help, use the -h option." << std::endl << std::endl;
return 1;
// Parse and check the data folder (with assets)
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(DATA_FOLDER))
std::cerr << "Data folder doesn't exist: " << std::string(DATA_FOLDER.begin(), DATA_FOLDER.end()) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Try specifying the folder through the command line" << std::endl;
std::cerr << description << std::endl;
return 1;
//Initialize the video file detector
VideoDetector videoDetector(process_framerate, nFaces, (affdex::FaceDetectorMode) faceDetectorMode);
//Initialize out file
boost::filesystem::path csvPath(videoPath);
std::ofstream csvFileStream(csvPath.c_str());
if (!csvFileStream.is_open())
std::cerr << "Unable to open csv file " << csvPath << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "Max num of faces set to: " << videoDetector.getMaxNumberFaces() << std::endl;
std::string mode;
switch (videoDetector.getFaceDetectorMode())
case FaceDetectorMode::LARGE_FACES:
mode = "LARGE_FACES";
case FaceDetectorMode::SMALL_FACES:
mode = "SMALL_FACES";
std::cout << "Face detector mode set to: " << mode << std::endl;
shared_ptr<PlottingImageListener> listenPtr(new PlottingImageListener(csvFileStream, draw_display));
//Activate all the detectors
//Set the location of the data folder and license file
//Add callback functions implementations
videoDetector.start(); //Initialize the detectors .. call only once
shared_ptr<StatusListener> videoListenPtr = std::make_shared<StatusListener>();
videoDetector.process(videoPath); //Process a video
//For each frame processed
while (videoListenPtr->isRunning())
if (listenPtr->getDataSize() > 0)
std::pair<Frame, std::map<FaceId, Face> > dataPoint = listenPtr->getData();
Frame frame = dataPoint.first;
std::map<FaceId, Face> faces = dataPoint.second;
//Draw on the GUI
if (draw_display)
listenPtr->draw(faces, frame);
std::cerr << "timestamp: " << frame.getTimestamp()
<< " cfps: " << listenPtr->getCaptureFrameRate()
<< " pfps: " << listenPtr->getProcessingFrameRate()
<< " faces: "<< faces.size() << endl;
//Output metrics to file
listenPtr->outputToFile(faces, frame.getTimestamp());
} while(loop);
std::cout << "Output written to file: " << csvPath << std::endl;
catch (AffdexException ex)
std::cerr << ex.what();
return 0;