{ "AssignmentId": "3FE2ERCCZYJ0JX6OCIRK9726MDUPOX", "WorkerId": "APO7Z7UUFTAHL", "HITId": "3VADEH0UHC8CV51NTX3R5SGI9MGPSN", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-21 20:38:23+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-21 16:21:02+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-21 16:38:23+02:00", "Answer": "q0It is not important at all, because every mturker has an talentq1Yeah, I will be happy because It will help me to gain more moneyq2Without providing money, I won't do anything. I can do if that money is offered to orphansq3Yeah, obviously mturk helped me a lot during pandemic.q4Now-a-days no work is available in mturk. Please provide more hits it would be helpful for everyone.", "answers": { "q0": "It is not important at all, because every mturker has an talent", "q1": "Yeah, I will be happy because It will help me to gain more money", "q2": "Without providing money, I won't do anything. I can do if that money is offered to orphans", "q3": "Yeah, obviously mturk helped me a lot during pandemic.", "q4": "Now-a-days no work is available in mturk. Please provide more hits it would be helpful for everyone." } }