{ "HIT": { "HITId": "3JMNNNO3B1F9AFHQB42G64BA3U1W2C", "HITTypeId": "3C3J03PXDEBIPIRQG93SL8BMDBX7HQ", "HITGroupId": "3EXC7SWSQ2HM2OEQIQBNG7WSI3HHT0", "CreationTime": "2021-08-19 10:22:15+02:00", "Title": "Write 5 short texts about working on MTurk", "Description": "Write 5 short texts where you explain your point of view on each topic.", "Question": "\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n

Write 5 short texts where you explain your point of view on each topic.

\n \n

Please read each topic carefully and then write a short text where you explain your point of view.


There is not a minimum number of words required but please write the number of words that you think is fair for 2$.


Please read each topic carefully and then write a short text where you explain your point of view.


There is not a minimum number of words required but please write the number of words that you think is fair for 2$.


In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that when they have a \"good day\" on MTurk, they sometimes order dinner to celebrate.


Please explain if you sometimes spend a little more after a good day and name a few things you spend it on:

\n \n
\n \n

In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that they think MTurk workers from the US (United States) might earn more money than workers from other countries.


Please explain if you agree that MTurk workers from the US earn more money and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n

In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that they like doing MTurk work because they can do it while watching the kids at the same time.


Please explain if you agree that you working on MTurk can be done effectively while watching children at the same time and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n

Please explain which kind of HITs are best for combining with watching children and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n

Please explain if you agree that doing MTurk work is especially beneficial for people who stay at home to watch their children and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n \n ]]>
\n 0\n
\n ", "Keywords": "text", "HITStatus": "Reviewable", "MaxAssignments": 1, "Reward": "2.00", "AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds": 14400, "Expiration": "2021-08-21 10:22:15+02:00", "AssignmentDurationInSeconds": 1200, "QualificationRequirements": [], "HITReviewStatus": "NotReviewed", "NumberOfAssignmentsPending": 0, "NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable": 0, "NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted": 0 }, "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "702eee66-3f5e-40c9-9500-ae60283a2e23", "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "HTTPHeaders": { "x-amzn-requestid": "702eee66-3f5e-40c9-9500-ae60283a2e23", "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1", "content-length": "4343", "date": "Thu, 19 Aug 2021 11:06:36 GMT" }, "RetryAttempts": 0 } }