{ "HIT": { "HITId": "389A2A304OTT0787FQY1BMBSE9B0CL", "HITTypeId": "3C3J03PXDEBIPIRQG93SL8BMDBX7HQ", "HITGroupId": "3EXC7SWSQ2HM2OEQIQBNG7WSI3HHT0", "CreationTime": "2021-09-18 13:28:59+02:00", "Title": "Write 5 short texts about working on MTurk", "Description": "Write 5 short texts where you explain your point of view on each topic.", "Question": "\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n

Write 5 short texts where you explain your point of view on each topic.

\n \n

Please read each topic carefully and then write a short text where you explain your point of view.


There is not a minimum number of words required but please write the number of words that you think is fair for 2$.


Please read each topic carefully and then write a short text where you explain your point of view.


There is not a minimum number of words required but please write the number of words that you think is fair for 2$.


In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that they consider the time they have to wait for their HIT catcher to find a new HITs as \"break time\".


Please explain if you agree that the time between HITs is \"break time\" and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n

In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that they use the time between HITs to do other productive activities.


Please explain if you feel that during a day of doing MTurk work there is also a moment where you can completely relax and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n

Please explain if you agree that doing MTurk work for long hours makes you feel \"braindead\" and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n

Please explain if you agree that doing MTurk work for long hours can affect you mentally and why (or why not):

\n \n
\n \n

Please explain any special methods or tricks to be able to do MTurk work for long hours:

\n \n
\n \n \n ]]>
\n 0\n
\n ", "Keywords": "text", "HITStatus": "Reviewable", "MaxAssignments": 1, "Reward": "2.00", "AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds": 14400, "Expiration": "2021-09-20 13:28:59+02:00", "AssignmentDurationInSeconds": 1200, "QualificationRequirements": [], "HITReviewStatus": "NotReviewed", "NumberOfAssignmentsPending": 0, "NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable": 0, "NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted": 0 }, "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "6e8193b6-969c-4d18-addf-05b07acfa7fe", "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "HTTPHeaders": { "x-amzn-requestid": "6e8193b6-969c-4d18-addf-05b07acfa7fe", "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1", "content-length": "4099", "date": "Sat, 18 Sep 2021 13:17:44 GMT" }, "RetryAttempts": 0 } }