{ "AssignmentId": "3X31TUMD7YXPWKKPEO02GUGEOJZL16", "WorkerId": "A1VKH87QQO75DL", "HITId": "3ULIZ0H1VAG88BKAWZFTBLOSRKW15I", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-18 20:11:56+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-18 15:59:04+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-18 16:11:56+02:00", "Answer": "q0I have experienced no back pain and carpel tunnel syndrome, etc., Because I have taken rest for some time and will do my work.q1Yes We have to take a break while being active on a computer. It is very necessary to work on a computer.q2I often check statistics about my work performance to compare themselves to other workers. Because to improve my performance an earnings in mturk.q3all workers did not get the opportunity to do work and earn money. Because it varies depends upon the individual's performance.q4Being An Mturk worker, I feel very satisfied and happy to earn money.", "answers": { "q0": "I have experienced no back pain and carpel tunnel syndrome, etc., Because I have taken rest for some time and will do my work.", "q1": "Yes We have to take a break while being active on a computer. It is very necessary to work on a computer.", "q2": "I often check statistics about my work performance to compare themselves to other workers. Because to improve my performance an earnings in mturk.", "q3": "all workers did not get the opportunity to do work and earn money. Because it varies depends upon the individual's performance.", "q4": "Being An Mturk worker, I feel very satisfied and happy to earn money." } }