{ "AssignmentId": "3AQF3RZ559TY3EBQYJ9LGD2BZTVF6L", "WorkerId": "A2YC6PEMIRSOAA", "HITId": "3QTFNPMJC6T9TWBO8AK7XW8QVIZNZ5", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-17 17:54:53+01:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-17 13:46:58+01:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-17 13:54:53+01:00", "Answer": "q0I would agree that qualifications are very important. I do not know how you are informed when you get a new qualification or what that exactly means. I feel great when my approval rating goes up!q1I am not sure how to understand my qualifications and how you are made aware that you have been granted a new qualification.q2I would not do the same work for less money and I don't think you should be able to \"buy\" your qualifications like that. Qualifications should be earned for good work.q3mTurk is just one option to earn money during this pandemic. Currently there is a worker shortage and anyone who is willing to work can get a good job at a decent wage. mTurk should be supplemental to that.q4I do think mTurk is the future for many job positions. Employers have found this can work without the expense of brick and mortar buildings. Hopefully wages will go up with these cost savings.", "answers": { "q0": "I would agree that qualifications are very important. I do not know how you are informed when you get a new qualification or what that exactly means. I feel great when my approval rating goes up!", "q1": "I am not sure how to understand my qualifications and how you are made aware that you have been granted a new qualification.", "q2": "I would not do the same work for less money and I don't think you should be able to \"buy\" your qualifications like that. Qualifications should be earned for good work.", "q3": "mTurk is just one option to earn money during this pandemic. Currently there is a worker shortage and anyone who is willing to work can get a good job at a decent wage. mTurk should be supplemental to that.", "q4": "I do think mTurk is the future for many job positions. Employers have found this can work without the expense of brick and mortar buildings. Hopefully wages will go up with these cost savings." } }