{ "AssignmentId": "37U1UTWH9WXIAIZNIT6DHGCL8Q5R8F", "WorkerId": "A2EI075XZT9Y2S", "HITId": "3MA5N0ATTCM4RVLG0A8K60X4LP4KWU", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-21 17:56:46+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-21 13:46:07+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-21 13:56:46+02:00", "Answer": "q0There are surveys which ask you to answer questions based on a topic. There are batches which is anything like data entry or just a couple of questions with quick answers.q1I enjoy anything that pays well. Batch work is usually the better paying over all but mind numbing.q2Reading, long drawn out stories like jury duty takes far to long to get through for the pay.q3Not really an expert on anything. I do all of it and efficient with just about everything. I don't focus on one thing so really can't say I excel in any particular direction.q4Long drawn out reading HITs. These I usually notice quickly in the instructions and just return them. Not a very quick reader so it results in me wasting far to much time on them .", "answers": { "q0": "There are surveys which ask you to answer questions based on a topic. There are batches which is anything like data entry or just a couple of questions with quick answers.", "q1": "I enjoy anything that pays well. Batch work is usually the better paying over all but mind numbing.", "q2": "Reading, long drawn out stories like jury duty takes far to long to get through for the pay.", "q3": "Not really an expert on anything. I do all of it and efficient with just about everything. I don't focus on one thing so really can't say I excel in any particular direction.", "q4": "Long drawn out reading HITs. These I usually notice quickly in the instructions and just return them. Not a very quick reader so it results in me wasting far to much time on them ." } }