{ "AssignmentId": "3TOK3KHVJUTBDR2OGWX39LBLKMVO70", "WorkerId": "A204TRM2QP4TVP", "HITId": "3IKDQS3DQEB472PNJGN7HQBO0OZICB", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-02 16:26:54+01:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-02 12:07:21+01:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-02 12:26:54+01:00", "Answer": "q0Yes I have used this extensions and these use is very important for every M turk workers. The extensions are used easy access this work and used many processing.q1These used refresh page and Mechanical turk site access. Many workers easy to find the answers an attention checks find in the extension side.q2I have used the twitter and communicate other workers and chat or message another mechanical turk workers. Mostly use this messengers.q3The mechanical turk work is very enjoyable one and other members feel some of happy to this site.q4I have not working time talk other members only concern my work. The break time I spent my time for talk other members.", "answers": { "q0": "Yes I have used this extensions and these use is very important for every M turk workers. The extensions are used easy access this work and used many processing.", "q1": "These used refresh page and Mechanical turk site access. Many workers easy to find the answers an attention checks find in the extension side.", "q2": "I have used the twitter and communicate other workers and chat or message another mechanical turk workers. Mostly use this messengers.", "q3": "The mechanical turk work is very enjoyable one and other members feel some of happy to this site.", "q4": "I have not working time talk other members only concern my work. The break time I spent my time for talk other members." } }