{ "AssignmentId": "3GNCZX450JYBHTCN2ZM28CI1VYSAPN", "WorkerId": "AFONGW9T2TWGL", "HITId": "37SQU136V7Z9KTJRVCDH8VBBFPW11B", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-02 14:51:02+01:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-02 10:43:58+01:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-02 10:51:02+01:00", "Answer": "q0I use extension while doing hitsq1I maintain the extensionq2While doing survey we get tired that wise we communicating with each otherq3No, I am not feelingq4Some survey time has every short that time we do not communicate with eachother", "answers": { "q0": "I use extension while doing hits", "q1": "I maintain the extension", "q2": "While doing survey we get tired that wise we communicating with each other", "q3": "No, I am not feeling", "q4": "Some survey time has every short that time we do not communicate with eachother" } }