{ "AssignmentId": "3X0H8UUIT2Z51YVIVLMOL6K3CQDSWN", "WorkerId": "A3W3U0F5WL4A3", "HITId": "35YHTYFL1GEGWKTX9PCR4LML5IGVFJ", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-18 19:18:28+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-18 15:12:27+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-18 15:18:28+02:00", "Answer": "q0 In recent years, legal scholars have come to rely on Amazon's. Mechanical Turk (“MTurk”) platform to recruit participants for surveys and.q1 We will discuss how the behavior of workers compares with that of ... offline contexts, evidence that Mechanical Turk is a valid means of ..q2Do not use language that inaccurately reflects the company culture you've created. If candidates accept a job thinking they're joining a collaborative ...q3In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that Amazon is not drawing a lot of attention to it's MTurk platform. q4My work was rejected, what can I do? A Requester may reject your work if they believe the answer is wrong, the HIT was not completed correctly, or that the ..", "answers": { "q0": "In recent years, legal scholars have come to rely on Amazon's. Mechanical Turk (\u201cMTurk\u201d) platform to recruit participants for surveys and.", "q1": "We will discuss how the behavior of workers compares with that of ... offline contexts, evidence that Mechanical Turk is a valid means of ..", "q2": "Do not use language that inaccurately reflects the company culture you've created. If candidates accept a job thinking they're joining a collaborative ...", "q3": "In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that Amazon is not drawing a lot of attention to it's MTurk platform.", "q4": "My work was rejected, what can I do? A Requester may reject your work if they believe the answer is wrong, the HIT was not completed correctly, or that the .." } }