{ "AssignmentId": "3GNCZX450JYBHTCN2ZM28CI1X2BAPG", "WorkerId": "A1V7K0K31N8KKC", "HITId": "33NOQL7T9OAOQPOK28VOFZIV7TCZ8I", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-23 14:27:26+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-23 10:22:12+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-23 10:27:26+02:00", "Answer": "q0the Turk did operate via a concealed operator, who controlled each movement from inside the cabinet by candlelight, pulling levers to operate the Turk's arm and keeping track of the moves on their own boardq1 Workers complete HITs in exchange for a reward. You write, test, and publish your HIT using the Mechanical Turk developer sandbox, Amazon Mechanical Turk APIs, and AWS SDKsq2 The most well-established of these crowdsourcing platforms is Amazon Mechanical Turkq3 The reason I complete tasks on MTurk is because they are a good way to waste time while making little money in the process.q4VERY WELL", "answers": { "q0": "the Turk did operate via a concealed operator, who controlled each movement from inside the cabinet by candlelight, pulling levers to operate the Turk's arm and keeping track of the moves on their own board", "q1": "Workers complete HITs in exchange for a reward. You write, test, and publish your HIT using the Mechanical Turk developer sandbox, Amazon Mechanical Turk APIs, and AWS SDKs", "q2": "The most well-established of these crowdsourcing platforms is Amazon Mechanical Turk", "q3": "The reason I complete tasks on MTurk is because they are a good way to waste time while making little money in the process.", "q4": "VERY WELL" } }