{ "AssignmentId": "39GHHAVOMG20TTT8YL7RYDAPW96J47", "WorkerId": "A23KAJRDVCVGOE", "HITId": "3G9UA71JVV5UQWEXAH0WD5YAC5HJ75", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-17 17:47:44+01:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-17 13:40:49+01:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-17 13:47:44+01:00", "Answer": "q0I feel like that sometimes because some workers use unfair tactics to catch hits, i know there are scripts out there that does this but i don't let it worry me one bit. I make a decent wage here and that is all that matters in the end. q1They dislike when new workers gets added because it means less work for them and more competition in general q2Most requester are very fair and very nice but there are some that just want to straight out scam you. Those i have a lot of dislike for, at least pay us fair and not reject our work for honest mistakes. q3I do not feel like that ever, if they feel like that they should reach out to the requester and explain their feelings or just dont do the hit. q4They should be more involved and look at what is going on behind the scenes like requesters paying so little to workers to do a lot of work, they should also make sure requester pay a decent wage not the old wage they have up on their site of $6 per hour", "answers": { "q0": "I feel like that sometimes because some workers use unfair tactics to catch hits, i know there are scripts out there that does this but i don't let it worry me one bit. I make a decent wage here and that is all that matters in the end.", "q1": "They dislike when new workers gets added because it means less work for them and more competition in general", "q2": "Most requester are very fair and very nice but there are some that just want to straight out scam you. Those i have a lot of dislike for, at least pay us fair and not reject our work for honest mistakes.", "q3": "I do not feel like that ever, if they feel like that they should reach out to the requester and explain their feelings or just dont do the hit.", "q4": "They should be more involved and look at what is going on behind the scenes like requesters paying so little to workers to do a lot of work, they should also make sure requester pay a decent wage not the old wage they have up on their site of $6 per hour" } }