{ "AssignmentId": "382M9COHEIQRZB1VZQNIE1VRQJUEUA", "WorkerId": "A1IS7AJOM21SMU", "HITId": "3E6L1VR4XWXVHUEW8H4JST6MOPPF6C", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-09-18 19:26:18+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-09-18 15:07:09+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-09-18 15:26:18+02:00", "Answer": "q0Hit Catcher will display the number of hits that have been caught, the number of attempts it has made at trying to catch that hit, and the number of page request errors that it is running into.q1MTurk scripts and extensions are used by workers to do work more efficient, increase their earnings and improve the work experience. These can optimize the layout of a HIT, add keyboard shortcuts to speed up workflow.q2Nowadays using scripts and extensions is common knowledge because, many workers know the scripts and extension usage through different social media.q3Multiple display screens is very useful when we do more than one survey to complete a survey within time.q4Easily possible to do multiple HITs simultaneously by using multiple display screens.", "answers": { "q0": "Hit Catcher will display the number of hits that have been caught, the number of attempts it has made at trying to catch that hit, and the number of page request errors that it is running into.", "q1": "MTurk scripts and extensions are used by workers to do work more efficient, increase their earnings and improve the work experience. These can optimize the layout of a HIT, add keyboard shortcuts to speed up workflow.", "q2": "Nowadays using scripts and extensions is common knowledge because, many workers know the scripts and extension usage through different social media.", "q3": "Multiple display screens is very useful when we do more than one survey to complete a survey within time.", "q4": "Easily possible to do multiple HITs simultaneously by using multiple display screens." } }