{ "AssignmentId": "32M8BPYGAUXKAY2MB4OSV1SR2U3IGB", "WorkerId": "A2YCMT5BPA0AG9", "HITId": "3W3RSPVVGS22JXETQA5K3CPMNNQLUH", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-07-20 16:41:36+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-07-20 12:34:10+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-07-20 12:41:36+02:00", "Answer": "q0Not that many surveys or hits required doing research but if I do need to research a topic, my first source is Google and secondly Wikipedia. Many surveys do not allow enough time to actually research anything, like this one which has a 10 minute timer.q1Very few hits I come across require \"high-level skills\", unless you are listed as having a background in programming, writing or something like that. Many hits do require a high level of proficiency in English, however.q2Posting a hit requires a learning curve that is a bit steeper than just answering surveys on mechanical turk. Requesters don't need to be programmers but they do need to understand how to construct and post a hit.q3I have been doing mechanical turk for almost 8 years and I have no idea what data de-duplication means. If I was a requester, then it would mean reducing the number of redundant questions. As a survey taker, I just don't know.q4I spend more than 40 hours a week on mechanical turk but I do not have a normal full-time job. I am on disability and have the time to spend doing surveys and other hits. It supplements disability because my Social Security disability checks are not that much.", "answers": { "q0": "Not that many surveys or hits required doing research but if I do need to research a topic, my first source is Google and secondly Wikipedia. Many surveys do not allow enough time to actually research anything, like this one which has a 10 minute timer.", "q1": "Very few hits I come across require \"high-level skills\", unless you are listed as having a background in programming, writing or something like that. Many hits do require a high level of proficiency in English, however.", "q2": "Posting a hit requires a learning curve that is a bit steeper than just answering surveys on mechanical turk. Requesters don't need to be programmers but they do need to understand how to construct and post a hit.", "q3": "I have been doing mechanical turk for almost 8 years and I have no idea what data de-duplication means. If I was a requester, then it would mean reducing the number of redundant questions. As a survey taker, I just don't know.", "q4": "I spend more than 40 hours a week on mechanical turk but I do not have a normal full-time job. I am on disability and have the time to spend doing surveys and other hits. It supplements disability because my Social Security disability checks are not that much." } }