{ "AssignmentId": "3A4NIXBJ77AMS96E7AJ00M4HIUPML6", "WorkerId": "A2Z6NL0CTXY0ZB", "HITId": "3TRB893CSJLKZUOW2BFTGS6UJD0G7X", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-08-10 18:25:12+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-08-10 13:52:05+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-08-10 14:25:12+02:00", "Answer": "q0I know exactly what closed quals are and how much they benefit turkers. I have a couple myself and have earned a lot of money because of them, back when the requester published regularly. Now they don't, so my cq is worthless right not.q1I have one from Google requesters that paid 10c per hit. It was a great way to make money and I used to churn out over $80 a day. Then there was a 30c batch about watching ads and responding to them, AdsForce was the name. q2The google qual was easy to get. I just had to do a few of their hits to get it. I forgot how I got the AdsForce one.q3I would like quals that are 10c or more from requesters that publish HITS regularly, with huge batches.q4Poor paying quals that require a lot of work.", "answers": { "q0": "I know exactly what closed quals are and how much they benefit turkers. I have a couple myself and have earned a lot of money because of them, back when the requester published regularly. Now they don't, so my cq is worthless right not.", "q1": "I have one from Google requesters that paid 10c per hit. It was a great way to make money and I used to churn out over $80 a day. Then there was a 30c batch about watching ads and responding to them, AdsForce was the name.", "q2": "The google qual was easy to get. I just had to do a few of their hits to get it. I forgot how I got the AdsForce one.", "q3": "I would like quals that are 10c or more from requesters that publish HITS regularly, with huge batches.", "q4": "Poor paying quals that require a lot of work." } }