{ "AssignmentId": "3M1CVSFP61GWH5D22C1R8H8BZ9FQAO", "WorkerId": "A24PRZS7ANKGO3", "HITId": "3BJKPTD2QCNYMIUHVPC6KSCJB1MRT1", "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted", "AutoApprovalTime": "2021-08-28 18:19:03+02:00", "AcceptTime": "2021-08-28 14:12:34+02:00", "SubmitTime": "2021-08-28 14:19:03+02:00", "Answer": "q0Tampermonkey is an extension which is very much useful to optimise the work flow and shows our daily earnings also.q1all workers maintains these extension. It is very helpful to know the work flow.q2In some works like games we have to interact with other workers. It is very helpful to discuss about that particular work.q3I know few are working on MTurk platform. It is very easy to discuss about the work.q4I always avoid spending time with others during my work . Because I have to concentrate on each and every works on MTurk.", "answers": { "q0": "Tampermonkey is an extension which is very much useful to optimise the work flow and shows our daily earnings also.", "q1": "all workers maintains these extension. It is very helpful to know the work flow.", "q2": "In some works like games we have to interact with other workers. It is very helpful to discuss about that particular work.", "q3": "I know few are working on MTurk platform. It is very easy to discuss about the work.", "q4": "I always avoid spending time with others during my work . Because I have to concentrate on each and every works on MTurk." } }