added one more hit

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merijn van moll 2021-07-17 17:58:28 +02:00
parent 43a4889fda
commit a48a7992ec
1 changed files with 11 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -132,7 +132,17 @@ As little as turking appears to pay on paper, in practice it often pays less bec
I am completing roughly 50-60 HIT's per day that consist of 95% surveys. Getting about $20 a day with my highest day being $39 with 93 HITs submitted. To put everything in perspective since starting January 8th on a regular basis I just hit $300 today. This is with 1,100 HIT's completed and a 98% accuracy rating. I am just trying to compare to others to see if my numbers are average or if I am wasting my time. I can't say for sure how much time I dedicate to this but it probably averages out at 4 hours a day. (text-colour:yellow)[Any tips/advice for how to get more HIT's? One thing I notice is I constantly can get $.50 and even $1 surveys but very very rarely can I get accepted into anything $2 or higher. Thanks in advance for any comments/replies]
[[Did you ask anyone else about this? What do they say?]]
[[I wish I could help you figure out how to get better HITs, I tried doing MTurk work myself but I also only got low paid HITs. I think that maybe I don&#39;t get good HITs because i&#39;m in Europe, do you think it matters in what part of the world you are?]]</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="37" name="I wish I could help you figure out how to get better HITs, I tried doing MTurk work myself but I also only got low paid HITs. I think that maybe I don&#39;t get good HITs because i&#39;m in Europe, do you think it matters in what part of the world you are?" tags="" position="3130.3333333333335,3209.333333333333" size="100,100">Double-click this passage to edit it.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="38" name="Did you ask anyone else about this? What do they say?" tags="" position="3250.3333333333335,3209.333333333333" size="100,100">Double-click this passage to edit it.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="39" name="$1.77 per hour?!" tags="" position="4069.333333333334,3136.3333333333335" size="100,100">Double-click this passage to edit it.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="40" name="That is baffling! Especially when you take into consideration that a lot of MTurk workers are from countries where $1.77 is waaaaay below minimum wage." tags="" position="4219.333333333334,3136.3333333333335" size="100,100">Double-click this passage to edit it.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="41" name="Hell Yeah!!! 8 HOURS EVERY DAY!" tags="" position="4339.333333333334,3136.3333333333335" size="100,100">Double-click this passage to edit it.</tw-passagedata></tw-storydata>
[[I wish I could help you figure out how to get better HITs, I tried doing MTurk work myself but I also only got low paid HITs. I think that maybe I don&#39;t get good HITs because i&#39;m in Europe, do you think it matters in what part of the world you are?]]</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="37" name="I wish I could help you figure out how to get better HITs, I tried doing MTurk work myself but I also only got low paid HITs. I think that maybe I don&#39;t get good HITs because i&#39;m in Europe, do you think it matters in what part of the world you are?" tags="" position="3130.3333333333335,3209.333333333333" size="100,100">34J10VATJG9BNNW0E0T4PFWT8AIIQY q1
In the US, there are better HITs since Amazon is located here and the US is more central.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="38" name="Did you ask anyone else about this? What do they say?" tags="" position="3250.3333333333335,3209.333333333333" size="100,100">34J10VATJG9BNNW0E0T4PFWT8AIIQY q0
You need to get your numbers up. 1100 HITs is nothing. I have over 250000 and many others have close to or over 1000000. Find batch HITs. Get your numbers up. This opens up more HITs. Also, look for batches/quals.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="39" name="$1.77 per hour?!" tags="" position="4069.333333333334,3136.3333333333335" size="100,100">34J10VATJG9BNNW0E0T4PFWT8AIIQY q2
This all depends. If you have a lot of quals with high-paying batch work, you can easily make $25-50 (sometimes even $70) an hour. Batches are everything. If you don&#39;t have good closed-quals and are just taking surveys, then $8-15 is the norm. Work is never consistent on this platform, either.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="40" name="That is baffling! Especially when you take into consideration that a lot of MTurk workers are from countries where $1.77 is waaaaay below minimum wage." tags="" position="4219.333333333334,3136.3333333333335" size="100,100">34J10VATJG9BNNW0E0T4PFWT8AIIQY q3
People are bored. People cannot survive on this income (at least in my area, the bay area), so I&#39;m assuming they are doing this as a side-hustle. Some people will work for pennies out of boredom or desperation. Others (like myself) will not since I have too much self-respect to do that.</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="41" name="Hell Yeah!!! 8 HOURS EVERY DAY!" tags="" position="4389.333333333334,3143" size="100,100">34J10VATJG9BNNW0E0T4PFWT8AIIQY q4
I work throughout the day (10+ hours or more). You have to constantly be available for work to post. Nothing is consistent on this platform. Batches and surveys post at odd hours. I work every day of the week, but less on weekends. My catcher is always on to catch HITs and alert me about my closed-qual batches.</tw-passagedata></tw-storydata>
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