"Title":"Write 5 short texts about working on MTurk",
"Description":"Write 5 short texts where you explain your point of view on each topic.",
"Question":"\n <HTMLQuestion xmlns=\"http://mechanicalturk.amazonaws.com/AWSMechanicalTurkDataSchemas/2011-11-11/HTMLQuestion.xsd\">\n <HTMLContent><![CDATA[\n <!DOCTYPE html>\n <body>\n<!-- You must include this JavaScript file -->\n<script src=\"https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js\"></script>\n\n<!-- For the full list of available Crowd HTML Elements and their input/output documentation,\n please refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/sms-ui-template-reference.html -->\n\n<!-- You must include crowd-form so that your task submits answers to MTurk -->\n<crowd-form answer-format=\"flatten-objects\">\n\n <crowd-instructions link-text=\"View instructions\" link-type=\"button\">\n <short-summary>\n <p>Write 5 short texts where you explain your point of view on each topic.</p>\n </short-summary>\n <detailed-instructions>\n <p>Please read each topic carefully and then write a short text where you explain <strong>your</strong> point of view.</p>\n<p>There is not a minimum number of words required but please write the number of words that you think is fair for 2$.</p>\n </detailed-instructions>\n </crowd-instructions>\n <div>\n <p>Please read each topic carefully and then write a short text where you explain <strong>your</strong> point of view.</p>\n<p>There is not a minimum number of words required but please write the number of words that you think is fair for 2$.</p>\n </div>\n <hr />\n\n <div>\n <p>In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that the name MTurk is a historical reference to a chessplaying machine.</p>\n<p>Please explain how the chessplaying machine works that the name MTurk refers to:</p>\n <crowd-text-area name=\"q0\" rows=\"4\" placeholder=\"Please write your explanation here\" required></crowd-text-area>\n </div>\n \n <div>\n <p>In a recent survey about working on MTurk, a fellow worker mentioned that the machine has a puppet that looks like it is playing chess but it also has a real person hidden inside.</p>\n<p>Please explain how the role of <strong>the puppet</strong> translates to today's context of the Amazon MTurk platform and why (or why not):</p>\n <crowd-text-area name=\"q1\" rows=\"4\" placeholder=\"Please write your explanation here\" required></crowd-text-area>\n </div>\n \n <div>\n <p>Please explain how the role of <strong>the hidden person</strong> translates to today's context of the Amazon MTurk platform and why (or why not):</p>\n <crowd-text-area name=\"q2\" rows=\"4\" placeholder=\"Please write your explanation here\" required></crowd-text-area>\n </div>\n \n <div>\n <p>Please explain how the role of <strong>the machine</strong> translates to today's context of the Amazon MTurk platform and why (or why not):</p>\n <crowd-text-area name=\"q3\" rows=\"4\" placeholder=\"Please write your explanation here\" required></crowd-text-area>\n </div>\n \n <div>\n <p>Please explain how you feel about your identity as an MTurk worker:</p>\n <crowd-text-area name=\"q4\" rows=\"4\" placeholder=\"Please write your explanation here\" required></crowd-text-area>\n </div>\n </crowd-form>\n </body>\n </html>\n ]]></HTMLContent>\n <FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight>\n</HTMLQuestion>\n ",