function getPathShapeBetweenPoints(p1, p2, corners) { let cornerPoints = [/*[p1.x,p1.y]*/]; if(corners == 4){ // draw inbetween p1 & p2. // let d = `M ${p1.x},${p1.y} L `; // d += ` ${p1.x},${p2.y} ${p2.x},${p2.y} ${p2.x},${p1.y} ${p1.x},${p1.y} `; cornerPoints.push([p1.x, p1.y]); cornerPoints.push([p1.x, p2.y]); cornerPoints.push([p2.x, p2.y]); cornerPoints.push([p2.x, p1.y]); } else{ // find center of circle that describes the polygon of which p1 and p2 are part // it's _not_ the center between the two points, as p1 and p2 are corners on the shape // distance between p1 and p2 const length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1.x-p2.x,2)+ Math.pow(p1.y - p2.y, 2)); const segmentAngle = Math.PI * 2 / corners; // TODO: can we find a way to draw not from the first 3 segments, but have the // cursor span as many segment as possible // const segmentsAngle = Math.floor(180/segmentAngle) * segmentAngle; const radius = (length*.5)/Math.sin(segmentAngle); const rotation = Math.atan2((p2.y -p1.y),(p2.x - p1.x)) + (Math.PI/2-segmentAngle); const dx = Math.cos(rotation) * radius;// * Math.sign(p2.x - p1.x); const dy = Math.sin(rotation) * radius;// * Math.sign(p2.y - p1.y); // we now have the center: const cx = p2.x - dx; const cy = p2.y - dy; // startpoint in relation to circle const sx = cx - p1.x; const sy = cy - p1.y; let startRot = Math.asin(sx / radius); if(sy>0){startRot = -1 * startRot + Math.PI;} for (let a = 0; a < Math.PI*2; a += segmentAngle) { let x = radius * Math.sin(a-startRot) + cx; let y = radius * Math.cos(a-startRot) + cy; cornerPoints.push([x,y]) // d += ` ${x},${y}`; // d += ` A 50 50 100 1 1 ${x} ${y+0.1} L ` } } // create d: let d = ""; const r = 10; for (let index = 0; index < cornerPoints.length; index++) { const c = cornerPoints[index]; const nextC = cornerPoints[(index+1)%cornerPoints.length]; const angle = Math.atan2(nextC[1] - c[1], nextC[0] - c[0]); const dx = Math.cos(angle) * r; const dy = Math.sin(angle) * r; d += ` M ${c[0]+dx},${c[1]+dy} L ` d += ` ${nextC[0]-dx},${nextC[1]-dy}`; // Thanks Anthony: d += ` a ${r} ${r} 0 1,0 ${dx*2},${dy*2}`; d += ` a ${r} ${r} 0 1,0 ${-dx*2},${-dy*2}`; } // console.log(d); return d + ' Z'; } export {getPathShapeBetweenPoints};